Rotorua Girls' Highschool Childcare Trust is a small community based early childhood service, for up to 30 tamariki, from 3-months to 5-years old, providing a stimulating educational environment for all tamariki.
Our centre was established around 1985 to provide a service for the local community. Today people from the wider Rotorua community, many of whom are linked with the education sector, use the centre. We believe in strong links and ongoing communication between tamariki, parents, whānau, kaiako and the Trust. As a community of learners, we are dedicated to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi in all aspects of teaching and learning through the engagement of dual heritage practices. The centre works with the Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki, reflecting each child’s individual strengths and interests.
The centre is located within the Rotorua Girls’ High School grounds and is accessible via the school’s Miro Street driveway. We are close to the central business district of Rotorua which includes a varied range of social, economic and ethnic groups. Rotorua Girls’ High School Childcare Trust generally operates in conjunction with the primary school terms. The centre is open for approximately 43 weeks of the year, opening for shorter hours in the first three days of each holiday period, then closed until the new term starts.
Hours of operation are from 7.45 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Currently there are several cultures represented within the centre, with some tamariki speaking English as their second language.
The teaching team are qualified and certified teachers. The centre has excellent teacher continuity, which is pivotal in building receptive and reciprocal relationships between tamariki and whānau.
The centre operates within a flexible daily flow. We recognise that each tamaiti has an individual rhythm and we embrace this uniqueness. Each tamaiti has a Key Teacher who is in tune with the care moments of these rhythms. The Key Teacher works closely with the parents and whānau adjusting to what has happened at home and providing a smooth transition into the centre day. The care moments include eating, sleep and nappy changes. While the relationships developed are intimate, they are by no means exclusive and tamariki are able to seek out other kaiako at all times.
Each day changes according to the strengths and interests of the tamariki and other impacting influences
7.45am Centre opens.
Tamariki begin to arrive with their parents and whānau, they are welcomed by the kaiako.
There are two morning tea times. Younger tamariki are supported by their Key Teacher during kai times.
Tamariki initiate their own programme of learning with support from kaiako.
11.00am Lunch times begin.
Sleep time, rest or quiet playing time.
1.30pm Tamariki begin to wake, and choose their own play
There are two afternoon tea times.
3.00pm Tamariki continue with their learning through play as parents and whānau begin arriving
5.00pm Centre closes
Included, are regular walks in the community. To the local marae, parks, schools, library and rest home.